Benjamin Grenard, Mylène Mathieu and Bernard Sensfelder are assisted by a team, whose members occasionally take part in workshops. Their presence, experience and point of view enhance the Einophony workshop experience, while contributing to the exploration and research of this practice.

Christine Bedel du Tertre - Voice Teacher

She has been trained in Pneumaphony with Serge Wilfart since 2010. She leads breath voice workshops in Quimper and learns hypnosis with Bernard Sensfelder. Every year, she hosts Einophony workshops in Brittany, jointly conducted by Benjamin Grenard and Bernard Sensfelder, in which she also takes part.

While working her whole life in national education, her reflection about teaching methods led her to methodology for precocious children that she practiced many years. Through an extensive experience based on observing the learner “in action”, she got a deeper understanding of the learning process in various fields, involving various individuals.

Besides, she has been practicing instrumental and vocal music all along, based on a strong background training at the conservatory. She explored singing with a number of singing teachers, while joining Pneumaphony workshops with various practitioners.

Delphine Gouteux - Energy therapy practitioner

Delphine Gouteux practices as a energy therapy pratictioner, in Plogonnec (29). She sees adults, teenagers and children during individual or family sessions, combining complementary approaches: dialogue, relaxation, hypnosis, energy medicine, psycho-genealogy, or games for younger children. She also manages a small training institution for health companies, called Diem Formations.

She first studies communication for audiovisual media, leading her to editing documentaries for a local television and directing institutional movies. This experience naturally brings her to question reality and image, and the dialectics about one’s image and oneself.

She then keeps on studying and graduates from IRTD (Regional institute of documentary film techniques) with a major in documentation science, and creates resource centers within three training centers, related to construction, industry and craft. Adding to her previous thoughts, she also questions language and reality, the difference between one’s self and self-concept.

Following a Master degree in educational sciences and her own practice of adult training in stress management, she further questions the origin of knowledge and teaching methods in the West. She then decides to go off the beaten track and go on exploring through more sensorial ways, through physical practices like shiatsu, voice practices and, since 2016, aikido. She is interested in Zen and practices self-observation towards non-duality.

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